
Thursday, May 26, 2011

Boyle’s Law

A characteristic property of gases is their great compressibility. The relationship between pressure of gas and its volume was given by Robert Boyle in 1662.
Boyle’s law states that,
“At constant temperature, the volume of given mass of gas (V) is inversely proportional to the pressure of the gas (P).”
This means if the pressure on the gas is increased the volume of the gas is reduced and if the pressure is reduced, the volume of gas is increased.
Mathematically, Boyle’s law can be expressed as;
V ∝ 1/P
Or V = K (1/P) where ‘K’ is proportionality constant.
Or PV = K
Thus, PV = Constant
From this expression, Boyle’s law can also be stated as, “At constant temperature, the product of the pressure and volume of given mass of gas is constant.”
Let ‘V1’ be the volume of given mass of gas at pressure P1. By keeping the temperature constant, if pressure be increased to P2 then volume will decrease to V2. According to Boyles law
P1V1 = K ––––––– (1)
P2V2 = K ––––––– (2)
Equating 1 & 2 we get
P1V1 = P2V2

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